News  20.06.2024
Lekuz Leku Festival Bilbao
"West-Land-Tänze" Open Air
THE THEATER DER KLÄNGE was a partner in the EU project "Dance highways" from 2021 to 2023, in which five European producers from Germany, France, Italy, Poland and Spain developed proposals for attracting audiences in culturally disadvantaged communities. One partner organisation was LA FUNDICION in Bilbao, Spain. In addition to its continuous in-house programme, La Fundicion organises an annual street theatre festival entitled "Lekus Leku" with venues in front of the Guggenheim Museum and along the banks of the river Nerbioi Ibaia in Bilbao.

Our choreographer Jacqueline Fischer will be travelling to Bilbao next week with the two dancers Lara Pilloni and Julia Monschau from our West-Land-Tänze ensemble to give a workshop in La Fundicion on 27 and 28 June on "Folk dance as material for contemporary dance creations". On the two evenings of 28 and 29 June, performances of the workshop results as well as two pas de deux sequences from our piece "West-Land-Tänze" will be performed open air in the square (Entorno Museo Guggenheim) in front of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
Lekus Leku Festival Bilbao
Everybody’s Heimspiel
THEATER DER KLÄNGE's Bauhaus Stage as a Grand Projection during the Football Eur
Today marks the start of the Football European Championship and THEATER DER KLÄNGE is joining in the celebration!

As part of the UEFA EURO Düsseldorf project, artist Wolfram Lenssen presents the immersive Gesamtkunstwerk "D-Play." Local Düsseldorf artists will have the opportunity to participate in this live media flow – each night after the football matches, starting at 11:00 PM.

Join us for two special evenings: On Friday, June 21st and Tuesday, July 2nd, THEATER DER KLÄNGE will present its "bauhausbühne" as a grand projection on the iconic facade of the Schauspielhaus.

We will showcase a compilation of our Bauhaus productions "The Mechanical Ballet," "TRIAS – The Triadic Ballet," and "The Lacquer Ballet," framed by large-scale projections from our production "Human and Art Figure in the Spherical Theater."

Don’t miss this unique blend of theatre and the European Championship!
a skyfull of light
The boards that mean the city
A journey through the Dusseldorf independent theatre and dance scene
In the 1970s, traditional theatre culture dominated Düsseldorf; alternative theatres such as ZAKK, FFT or tanzhaus nrw were still unthinkable. It was not until the late 1970s and 1980s that a diverse independent theatre scene emerged. Innovative groups and venues such as Theater Jhawemirc, Theater der Klänge and Theater Kontra-Punkt enriched the city's cultural offerings. The former director of the Düsseldorf Theatre Museum, Heinrich Riemenschneider, documented this development in 1987 in his "Theatre History of the City of Düsseldorf". Today, the theatre scene comprises up to 40 funded projects per year and is a dynamic part of Düsseldorf's culture.

The book "Die Bretter, die die Stadt bedeuten - 50 Jahre freie darstellende Künste in Düsseldorf" by Jens Prüss and J.U. Lensing, published in May 2024, summarises this eventful history on 335 pages in the form of an oral history based on 40 audio interviews with key figures from the scene. This history of theatre and dance shows how creative passion has had a lasting impact on Düsseldorf's cultural landscape and continues to do so today.

Narrated by: Mario Alfonso, Evelyn Arndt , Thomas Bernhardt, Annette Bieker, Felix Bürkle, Andreas Dahmen, Helga Dürr, Jacqueline Fischer, Vera Forester, Brigitta Gillessen, Angie Hiesl, Philipp Kohlen-Priebe, Claudia Küppers, Frank Küster, Jörg U. Lensing, Bernd Lohmann, Ilanit Magarshak–Riegg, Ernest Martin, Manes Meckenstock, Joachim Meurer, Brygida Mich, Maura Morales, Juergen Mühle, Bertram Müller, Morgan Nardi, Dieter Nuhr, Christiane Oxenfort, Ben J. Riepe, Rudi Rölleke, Frank Römmele, Gianni Sarto, Reiner Scharlowsky, Frank Schulz, Christof Seeger-Zurmühlen, Robert Solomon, Christoph Stüttgen, Alexandra Waierstall, Jürgen Weintz, Rainer Wittek

introduced by forewords by Sascha Förster, J.U. Lensing and Jens Prüss
German Droste Verlag
The Book "Palimpsest" is published
Tredition Verlag
The 2024 dance theatre production "West-Land-Tänze" by Düsseldorf's THEATER DER KLÄNGE was preceded by an extensive research phase in 2023.
The book "Palimpsest" summarises the research results on the subject of folk dance, folk music and folk in the Rhineland and Westphalia on almost 90 pages and thus offers a comprehensive compendium on cultural dance and music practices in West Germany, enriched by specialist essays by renowned academics and journalists.

"Palimpsest" serves as an up-to-date reference work on questions of folk music and folk dance. By combining the academic research and artistic practice documented in this book, "West-Land-Tänze" has become an original event that presents the cultural roots of the region in a contemporary light. (in german)
Tredition Shop
Virtual Theatre
A Corona project in 2021 - with the support of the Performing Arts Fund with funds from Neustart Kultur - was the construction of our "Virtual Total Theatre of Sounds". It was opened on 3 October 2021 after six months of construction and has been open to the public ever since.

Until now, only the foyer, the theatre restoration on the first floor and our gallery could be visited free of charge. For a tour through all the rooms of the virtual theatre, a ticket had to be booked at the box office in the foyer, as well as for a visit to the archive library in the theatre, one of the workshops offered in the two rehearsal studios or the booking of one of our 29 performances (as a complete video) in the auditorium of the theatre. Currently, our last production "hoppla, wir spielen noch" from 2022 can also be booked in its entirety (as a 3-camera recording) in the auditorium. On the occasion of this 30th video, which is now bookable and thus viewable in the theatre, we are releasing the free viewing of all rooms. So at the box office in the virtual theatre, a complete tour can be booked for 0.- €, which takes you through all the rooms we converted (according to plans by Walter Gropius from 1927). In this way, you can walk through the Total Theatre for Erwin Piscator in our realisation, both architecturally and interior design, online.

We are of course all the more pleased if this framework is used to book and view one of our performances.
The virtual total Theatre
Man and Art Figure in the Sphere Theatre
Our exhibition "Man and Art Figure in the Sphere Theatre" has been open in our online gallery since 15 March and can be visited there around the clock.

The exhibition includes a total of 42 purchasable highly aesthetic paintings, as well as a poster and a video trailer integrated into the exhibition. When the sound is turned on, one hears an audio guide in the form of a mini radio play.
The exhibition is expected to remain open until the end of the year.
  Exhibitions & Virtual Theater THEATER DER KLÄNGE